The world is no stranger to upsets or having uneasy days, but the question remains: Will the world see a time that gets better or worse than what it is seeing now? Tragedy has struck once again and the world stage has been set. Afghanistan has fallen into terrorist hands and ironically the most free country in the world has allowed this to happen. Why did this happen you ask? The answer:
The United States of America, the greatest country in the world, is failing miserably at moral values at an unprecedented rate.
In February of 2017, I felt as though the Lord had a word for this country and possibly the world. History had been made in the 2016 United States Presidential Election and Donald J. Trump was just elected to be the 45th President of the United States.
I'm going to share what I feel the Lord has said to me. One day as I was waking up I was going through Facebook and came across an admiral with a catchphrase written across his picture. This catch phrase said that "Troops should be able to share the Gospel anywhere they choose." As I was laying there I felt the Lord say that he is going to uphold his promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14.
After hearing the Lord speak regarding 2 Chronicles 7:14, He said something else :
"I AM extending the door and time period by having elected officials that would allow
my people to have the freedom to share the Gospel for this door will close soon."
For four years, prosperity came into this great country because God kept his promise to to heal our land when His TRUE people called his name. God told me that "freedom will last for a short time" and look where we are today. Hate overcame many and love grew cold more than ever just as Jesus has predicted 2000 thousand years ago and the consequences are disastrous. Through the disgusting hate from people towards the 45th President of the United States and their unwillingness to open eyes of blindness to see truth, they have vowed to hate all things that Donald J. Trump stands for and destroy the very being that he fought for and served. Make no mistake that he fought for country, but he fought for God and morality as well. It was not until eight months into the 2020 Presidential Election that we really found out what was about to take place not just for the United States of America, but for the whole world as well.
Evil has once again reared its ugly head out and no longer is it hiding. It is saying I am here in plain sight and I will strike you down and unfortunately we are now experiencing war like never before on our streets in our own backyard stimulating from organizations like BLM, Antifa, and the so called Proud Boys while the government is passing laws right and left against the moral values, obligations, and even God himself to promote a system ready to usher in a new era. This new era deserves no introduction, credit, nor does it even deserve a title because it goes against everything that is right, moral and everything that is God. This system is against life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness laying down the ground work for false hope and false truth suffocating the American people into bondage and slavery like no other time seen.
How is America in Slavery and Bondage? It's very simple and the answer is fear! First off, the United States Government and the world has brought on fear as a weapon to strategize the fall of the United States of America into Communism and Socialism through the radical Democratic Party. Right now fear is driving the United States through diseases, forced mandates, violence, and the everlasting attempt to control others lives versus allowing people to have freedom of choice given to them by their creator. When I mentioned that love has grown cold, fear will always take its place. If "perfect love casts out all fear" than surely fear can replace a love that is absent. I know what you are saying right now. "Love is all over the world and you are not seeing it"! And then I will tell you that the issue is that you are seeing a false love that justifies acceptance taking true loves place in society. If a person does not like something a person is doing or their "lifestyle" than that person is accused of not loving. Love is not based off of an action, its based off of a person. Jesus loved the person but hated the sin. "Gods perfect love casts out all fear" and that love is not contingent on an individuals actions by any means. Fear comes in all forms and is the framework to socialism and communism. It is the real bonding agent to slavery and if we continue to choose to live in it God can't deliver. It seems that whenever we have a problem in our country we turn to God through 2 Chronicles 7:14, but we forget to turn from our wicked ways or find ourselves going back to them repeating the prayers again and continuing that viscous cycle of unrepentance. It's no wonder why we are in the situation we are in!
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.
1 John 4:18
As Afghanistan falls and its freedom gets ripped away, we have come into a crossroads like never before in our lifetime, but many times in history it has happened on different levels. We must pray for Afghanistan! I am reminded of the Israelites so long ago when they were in bondage for 400 years. Moses was called to lead them out of slavery, but it was God's words that I want Afghans all over the world to remember.
"The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering."
Exodus 3:7
Afghanistan, God has heard you and He is concerned about you. He is particularly concerned about His people there, but He loves all of you. My plea to you today is to hold fast to God, know him more, and keep praying for him to redeem you! Pray to him humbly, seek him, and turn from wickedness whether its your own or someone else's being imposed on your life due to their selfishness and anguish. Proclaim Jesus from the mountaintops and find hope in him. He is true freedom because where his spirit is....there is freedom! Freedom is not given by men, its given to you by your creator. God is real and through his son Jesus Christ you can know him. When you know Jesus you can "Speak Life into Existence"! Choose life and speak it! "Darkness will Flee and Mountains Will Tremble!"
"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live"
Deuteronomy 30:19
What a powerful statement! "Speak Life into Existence! Darkness will Flee and Mountains will Tremble"! All of this happens in the name of the Jesus because it is the most powerful name on the face of the earth. I don't know if God plans of bringing prosperity and freedom back to Afghanistan and the United States, but I do know this. God does not change! He Loves so very much. If we are in the end times, we should be vigilant and be waiting for Jesus! I mentioned the United States and their freedoms. We must be prepared to be moved by the Holy Spirit more than emotions if we are to live in a world which is ready to make an attempt on destroying God and Christianity. What we are seeing in Afghanistan will happen one day to the whole world with one leader. Maybe not in the same form or fashion, but the same characteristics. The question still remains if there are uneasy, but better days ahead? The United States has always thrived at freedom, but I am not so sure that mankind can save the United States from the destruction it has caused throughout the world under Joe Biden. What I do know is that God is the one who determines what happens next and with God all things are possible and with God.....All things will be better in the end. We must live in his spirit and not live in emotion in these last days. Jesus said these things will happen, but keep your head up for YOUR redemption is near! As for better days ahead? Absolutely! For the believer because they are just passing through. One day, every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and whomever bows in worship and obedience now will see much better and brighter days ahead in eternity!
Copyright © 2020 Jerad Free
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