You have heard it said that our Nation is in chaos, disorder, and falling by the wayside with no opportunity to get out of the chaotic hole it is in. We see gun issues arising more and more in response to killings of our kids in schools, we see the antics of violence rising more and more in our day in age, we see corruption from one side of this Great Nation to the other and it seems that there is no end in sight. If you feel distressed right now reading this or feel like there is no positivity reading this I urge you to please do no stop reading, for there is an end in sight, with endless possibilities.
Can chaos come to order?
When looking for answers to the chaos in the world today, there is only one book that has been accurate enough to prove that it has the capability of bringing order in a world that is turned upside down. Of course this book is not wanting to be used by so many because it teaches truth and it is absolute. This book goes against mankind who in our day in age has no interest in what it has to say. I am talking about the blueprint of life, The Holy Scriptures, The Word of God, The Bible. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." This means that chaos can come to order, but why are not seeing improvement in our country? It can be said that God has given people to their own selfish evil desires and they have made their choices. Don't believe that God would allow this? Try reading for yourself in Romans 1:18-32. In this it also warns of people who accept sin of others encouraging it as well.
In looking at 2 Timothy 3 we notice that Paul the Apostle is warning Timothy of the last days. When we focus on what is going on in the world, what do we see? Do we see:
People loving themselves
People loving money
Scoffing at God
Disobedience to parents
Is there love or hate floating around
Do people have self control
Are they cruel and show hate of good
Is there recklessness
Love in pleasure more than God
Acting Religious but rejecting the power that can make them godly
If someone is focused on the current events today, then they will see that these very things that the Apostle Paul was speaking of, is happening more in our society than ever before. So here is the ultimate question. Who is responsible? The finger is pointed at President Donald Trump, but is this really true? Is Donald Trump responsible for the disorder and chaos in our great country? Many will believe that he is even though these issues have been out well before he took office. So is President Trump responsible? No he is not at all by any means. No before you get upset at this, let me explain that the root of the problem is not Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama even though they have made choices that has affected the United States as a whole. If you want to get to the root of the issues get into the scriptures and go to Ephesians 6:12 and you will find the source of the problems without pointing fingers at some person, but find that one being is responsible for this. The one known as Satan and we are at war with him. He is the source of Evil, he is the source of the corruption, he is the source of the division, and he is the source of the confusion with blindness to those who refuse to complain instead of proclaim the Power of God in our situation with our country. Lets start proclaiming and stop complaining confusing the enemy and defeating him.
How do we defeat chaos and bring order back?
Steps we can take to gaining order in our country:
Humble ourselves
Seek Gods Face
Turn from our wicked ways
How do we defeat chaos and bring order back?
God will hear from Heaven
Forgive our sin
Heal our land
As you may well know, these steps are those of 2 Chronicles 7:14. You maybe saying to yourself, that you have not sinned nor are you doing wicked things. Keep in mind that 1 John 1:8 says, " If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." Second I would strongly encourage you to read about Daniel and his prayer for Israel and repentence in Daniel 9. Notice he prayed to God for repentence for Israel, not singling them out, but including himself in the prayer as though he was the sinner.
The Answer to Order in Chaos. Can it be done?
The answer is yes it can be done, but not through our hand....By Gods hand and his Power alone.
God Bless,
Pastor Jerad
Copyright © 2018 Jerad Free
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